It’s everyone’s goal in the summer during bathing suit season exercising more.
In fact exercising is one of the best things anyone can do for their body. It helps build muscle, reduce fat and improve mood, just to name a few of its benefits. But exercising also helps to detox the body, something that is crucial to maintaining good health.
Detoxing is simply the body’s way of removing toxins and excess waste. There are many methods to do so, some more common than others, but they all get the job done. Detoxing can leave you feeling less sluggish and more energized, and it can help clear up skin and add shine to hair.
1) Move your body:

Regular exercise is a form of healthy detox as it encourages circulation in the blood and lymph system. Doing so will also enhance digestion, reduce tension, lubricate joints, and strengthen your body. For that reasons, people who exercise regularly have fewer toxins in their systems than those who don’t, Dr. Miller says.
When you’re not *officially* working out, get creative: Take the stairs, do five-minute power yoga sessions (even in your work clothes), do squats while you’re talking on the phone, park a half-mile away from your destination and then walk, or better yet, don’t drive at all, she suggests.
2) Cut Your Sugar Intake:

One way to do a healthy detox? Simply start by decreasing the amount of sugar you consume. (And that includes honey, molasses, and artificial sweeteners.)
“Recent research suggests that just a small amount of dark chocolate (with at least 70 percent cocoa content) helps curb both our sweet and salty cravings.” Another option is to grab a piece of fruit; the natural sugars will nip the need for sweetness and curb your craving, says Daphne Miller, M.D., family physician and clinical professor at the University of California San Francisco.
It’s important to limit obvious sources of sugar in your diet, such as desserts and sodas, but you should also be aware of the hidden sugar in some other common foods — like sauces, and processed snacks.
To be fully in control of your added sugar intake, choose a diet based on whole foods rather than highly processed alternatives.
3) Start with Water:

Hydration could quite possibly be the best healthy detox you’ll ever give your body. But some people think adding extra ingredients to water boosts its health benefits.
The result, called detox water, is said to help your body get rid of toxins, improve your energy levels, and help you lose weight. Detox water is water that has been infused with the flavors of fresh fruits, vegetables, or herbs. It’s sometimes referred to as fruit-infused water or fruit-flavored water.
Simply chop your ingredients and add them to hot or cold water, depending on your preference. The more of an ingredient you use, the stronger the flavor will become.
If you’re making a cold drink, you can leave the detox water in the fridge for 1–12 hours to allow the flavors to infuse more deeply. Be sure to remove the ingredients after this time, though, so they don’t begin to decompose.
If you’re in a hurry, crushing or bruising your fruit and herbs before using them can help release the flavors more quickly.
Making detox water at home is very simple. All you need is water and a selection of fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
Here are some popular detox water recipe combinations:
- cucumber and mint
- lemon and ginger
- blackberry and orange
- lemon and cayenne pepper
- watermelon and mint
- grapefruit and rosemary
- orange and lemon
- lemon and lime
- strawberry and basil
4) Drink a Lot of Tea:

I love drinking this tea in the morning instead of a regular cup of coffee. I also enjoy it cold and love to add it to my protein shakes and green smoothies. Though most studies have focused on the better-known green and black teas, white and oolong also bring benefits to the table.
Tea can boost exercise endurance. Scientists have found that the catechins (antioxidants) in green tea extract increase the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel, which accounts for improved muscle endurance.
Drinking tea could help reduce the risk of heart attack. Tea might also help protect against cardiovascular and degenerative diseases.
5) Eat More Fruits and Veggies:

I like to start my morning with a fat-burning fruit smoothie breakfast. It’s an easy way to load up on some essential vitamins early in the day.
In the afternoon, I eat a large salad with as many different vegetables as possible.
For dressing, mix olive oil with any fresh citrus juice. I also avoid adding salt to my salad or dressing to minimize water retention during my diet. Fruits and vegetables are low in fat, salt and sugar. They are a good source of dietary fibre.
As part of a well-balanced, regular diet and a healthy, active lifestyle, a high intake of fruit and vegetables can help to reduce obesity and maintain a healthy weight, lower the cholesterol, and lower the blood pressure.